I have grouped our Gilled Fungi into Mushroom style, Bracket and Funnel shapes and Simple Gills.

Mushroom style:

Russula persanguinea

A beautiful red and white topped mushroom style fungi.

Common in eucalypt forests this one was found in Gertrude Petty Place.

Click on images to enlarge

This orange mushroom style fungi was found in Fox Gully. Note the distinct gills on the underside.

Bracket and Funnel Shaped:

A beautiful bracket shaped white fungi growing on a log in Fox Gully.

These unusual funnel shaped gilled fungi were found in Fox Gully Zone 17 our latest restoration site.

Simple Gills:

M ycena sp – Simple gilled fungi – note the tall thin stems.

Tiny bright red simple gilled fungi make the surrounding leaves look like giants.

These purple simple gilled fungi were growing up through a Craypot Stinkhorn fungi. The stems on these fungi were not much thicker than a pin.