By: Michael Fox


The 2018 National Tree Day planting site is thriving and the locals are turning up for dinner. Plant Local to Feed Locals

The Crow or Donovan’s Day Moth Cruria donowani is a new addition our database of Flora and Fauna of Mt Gravatt Conservation Reserve.

I identified the species using: New larval food plant associations for some butterflies and diurnal moths (Lepidoptera) from the Northern Territory and Kimberley, Australia. Part II (2015) Michael F. Braby

Imperial Hairstreak - Jalmenus evagoras - female laying eggs on Acacia fimbriata - 21 April 2019

Imperial Hairstreak female laying eggs



I also found a female Imperial Hairstreak butterfly Jalmenus evagoras laying her eggs on one of the Brisbane Fringed Wattles Acacia fimbriata planted in July.



Imperial Hairstreak - Jalmenus evagoras -chryslis - 21 April 2019

Imperial Hairstreak chrysalis





Imperial Hairstreak chrysalis being protected by protected by “Kropotkin” ants – Small Meat Ant Iridomyrmex sp.





Joseph Coat Moth - Agarista agricola - Clematicissus opaca - 21 April 2019

Joseph’s Coat Moth caterpillar





The striking Joseph’s Coat Moth caterpillars Agarista agricola were lunching on Forest Grape Clematicissus opaca.



By: Michael Fox


Griffith Mates Sophie, Jocelyn and Ryan with Noel


Our Griffith Mates partners have again provided valuable for restoration of our Fox Gully Bushcare site. At the last event for 2016 we first checked what species can now be found in the Small Bird Habitat.

Griffith Mates participated in the 2015 National Tree Day planting of the Small Bird Habitat so it was great to be able to show the increase in species diversity in just one year.


Painted Pine Moth Orgyia australis caterpillar

The Small Bird Habitat is an initiative to create the specialised habitat our small forest birds like Variegated Fair Wrens Malurus lamberti. These small insect eating birds are valuable partners in controlling pests in our backyards. Building an effective habitat requires attracting a diverse range of insect species to provide food.

Finding several Painted Pine Moth Orgyia australis caterpillars on site is a good excellent start.




Lydia Lichen Moth Astura lydia

We inspected the Imperial Hairstreak Jalmenus evagoras butterfly caterpillars on Sickle Leaved Wattle Acacia falcata. I explained that the caterpillars are protected by “Kropotkin” ants – Small Meat Ant Iridomyrmex sp.

We also found a Lydia Lichen Moth Asura lydia with its curious eyelash like antlers.



Sickle Leaved Wattle Acacia falcata


Other excellent signs of habitat building progress was finding seed on Sickle Leaved Wattle Acacia falcataNative Sarsaparilla Hardenbergia violacea and Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra which will provide food for seed eating birds.


Ochna Blitz


After inspecting the Small Bird Habitat progress we moved onto our Ochna Blitz. Mickey Mouse Plant Ochna serrulata is a deep rooted invasive garden plant with attractive red and green berries that are eaten by birds then spread into our bush habitat. The objective is to start breaking the weed cycle by collecting, bagging and dumping the seeds then poisoning the plant. Eradicating or at least reducing Ochna in the Reserve will take years but systematic clearing of smaller areas will progressively reduce the spread.

We look forward to partnering with Griffith Mates again in 2017.






Griffith Mates – Lantana Busters

Join Griffith Mates for the Ochna Blitz Challenge!

Saturday 24 September 8am to 11am


2016 National Tree Day planting


Location: Junction of Geebung and Federation Tracks (behind green water reservoir)

We will do a walk through the National Tree Day planting and some light weeding then move onto the Mickey Mouse Plant Ochna serrulata.

The planting site is looking great with trees and vines planted in 2015 now flowering and producing seed. A Sickle Leaved Wattle Acacia falcata is already hosting caterpillars of the Imperial Hairstreak Jalmenus evagoras butterfly.


The caterpillar is protected by “Kropotkin” ants – Small Meat Ant Iridomyrmex sp. The ants provide protection in return for sugary fluids secreted by caterpillar. Imperial Hairstreaks will only return to breed where both caterpillar food plants and the ants are present.
Kropotkin is a reference to Russian biologist Peter Kropotkin who proposed a concept of evolution based on “mutual aid” between species helping species from ants to higher mammals survive.

The combination of rain and clearing Creeping Lantana Lantana montevidensis means the Ochna is thriving and it is covered in flowers and seeds. However, the rain also means must easier to pull our either by hand or Treepopper.