By: Michael Fox

Heather Wood bought tasty homemade muffins today to celebrate our last Tuesday Bushcare for the year.

We worked on Zone 6 today removing Creeping Lantana Lantana montevidenses*.

I also showed the team some of the local natives currently flowering. My favourate is definitely Dogwood.

Geitonoplesium cymosum Scrambling Lily


Madeira Vine regrowth

By: Michael Fox

As we are still not allowed to work in our Fox Gully Bushcare site, Tuesday Bushcare moved to our Community Gully Day restoration site where Madeira Vine Anredera cordifolia regrowth has been prompted by the rain.

Madeira Vine is fast growing and extremely difficult to eradicate. When I was first researching Madeira Vine I was advised that digging out the tubers was the most effective technique. A special mix of herbicides and penetrant works however it has limited effectiveness and recommended practice is to: Target tubers as a priority, scrape, gouge and paint large ground tubers/roots.

Madeira Vine tuba - 5 Mar 13

Madeira Vine tuba

If we had to dig to uncover the tubers it seemed easier to simply avoid poison, dig the tubers out and remove from site. That is the practice we have been using successfully to eradicate Madeira Vine in the Fox Gully wild life corridor.  Clearing the vine, digging out tubers then targeting regrowth has resulted in large areas almost completely free of Madeira Vine.

Oplismenus aemulus - 5 Mar 13

Natural regeneration – Rainforest Grass

One of the tubers dug out today shows why this vine is so resistant to eradication with poison. The size of a large potato this tuber would not be greatly affected by poison simply applied to the vine leaves.

Eradicating this weed is frustrating, however there are also positive signs with natural regeneration restoring native species like Rainforest Grass Oplismenus aemulus and Scurvy Weed Commelina diffusa. Native grasses like Oplismenus aemulus are an invaluable restoration tool as they create Green Mulch which suppresses weeds, retains moisture and controls erosion.